miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

Frantz Fanon, Colonialism and Globalization article by Esteban Silva

Frantz Fanon, Colonialism and Globalization.

Frantz Fanon, was a fighter Argelino born in the Martinique, medical psychiatrist and active militant of the anticolonialist reason and independista in Africa.

His thought has been in a lot of censured time and invisibilizado particularly in France, Europe and little known in Latin America due to his intransigent and radical combat against the racism, the xenophobia and the indignity. For his fight in opposition to the alienation, especially, in an epoch in which those topics were considered to be a taboo.

His reflections are still in force and are today an example for the peoples that still in full 21st century continue fighting for his right to the independence and to the definitive decolonization as the people Saharaui in North Africa, the people of Puerto Rico in our Latin America, the people Palestino and different so many people.

In his first qualified book " Black Skin, White Masks ", written in 1952, Fanon seeks to understand and to attack the colonial racism in the Martinique, his place of birth. In his work, it develops a deep reflection on the relation between desire, the language and the culture in the colonial context and of the colonialism.
His text tries to answer to the following questioning ones: By means of what mechanisms it operates the racism and are which his origins?; Since the racism impregnates the man and the woman that they have been colonized and which is the perception that therefore they have of yes same?; Which is the effect of the racism in the white settlers?.

In his great one and more known work " The Reprobates of the Earth " written in 1961, it develops the fight for the most wide liberation of way including the set of the world that one finds under settling and oppression of the epoch. His analysis already they are not based on his experiences on the Martinique, but they approach the bloody war for the liberation and independence of Algeria (1954 1962) and the fight for decolonization in general.

Turning into a spokesman and ambassador of the independence Algerian nationalism, Fanon restates the dimension of the fight for the freedom.
Though, in the first moment in his investigations it approaches the problem to individual level then it assumes and analyzes the collective dimension as the most preponderant of the forms of fight. Already it is not a question then only of the revolt of l@s Africans for his liberation, but it transforms in challenge and fights for the revolution

His concept of liberation integrates two big components: Forthwith of necessary liberation to break the logic of the slavery and of the autoexclavitud; And the act of creation to establish new social relations and politics. Both have a common aim: the liberation and the independence the liberation.
For Fanon the freedom " consists then of the active decision to conceive our own destination of an independent way ", " the colonialism is condemned to the alienation, to the passiveness of the dependence so not him incumbe more than the same one and because of it that is necessary to put term to the history of the settling, to the history of the plunder to make to exist the history of a nation, the history of the decolonization (1) ". For this great anticolonialist fighter, the process of liberation is the point of item of the dream and of a concrete fight for " a new humanism and a new humanity "

Frantz Fanon dies at the age of 36 suffering from a leukaemia on December 8, 1961, to only 6 months of the declaration of the independence of Algeria.
In his funeral, Krim Belkacem, Provisional Vice Presidente del gobierno of the new Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria expresses: " Frantz Fanon. You have dedicated your life to the service of the Freedom, of the dignity, of the justice and of the good. Your loss us causes a great pain. Your example will be still always alive. It rests in peace. Algeria will never forget you!

His fight and work has force and is inspiring for the right to the revolt of our peoples, opposite to a new settling that today has another name: the neoliberal globalization.

Esteban Silva Cuadra

(1). Comprendre Fanon de Michel Random. Editions Max Milo. Paris 2014.

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